6 White Zombie Hatching eggs
🐓White Zombie Hatching Eggs🖤
White Zombies are a project breed that is a cross from Ayam Cemani bred with White Leghorn. They come from very large white eggs. The hens show remarkable dark pigmentation around the eyes, wattles, comb, and feet but have white feathers and a few black throughout as well. They are heavy layers and will lay cream colored eggs. The males are recessive and will be all white like a White Leghorn.
📦Shipping and Incubation Guidelines:📦
Shipping Details
• Delivery Timeline: Orders are shipped via Priority Mail shipping
• Secure Packaging: Eggs are carefully packed, with extra eggs often included as a courtesy.
• Insurance: Packages are insured. In the event of damage during transit, please file a claim with the carrier. While I ensure proper handling on my end, I cannot control delays or issues that arise after shipping.
• Freshness and Viability: Eggs are freshly laid the day of or the day before shipping. While eggs can remain viable for up to a month, these are at their peak freshness. Minor shipping delays typically do not affect hatchability.
Incubation Guidelines
• Preparation: Ensure your incubator is calibrated for correct temperature and humidity using an independent thermometer and hygrometer.
• Resting Eggs: Allow eggs to rest for 8-12 hours before incubation if air sacs are disturbed during shipping.
• For disturbed air sacs: Incubate pointy side down without turning (use an egg carton to secure them).
• For intact air sacs: Eggs can be incubated on their side or upside down.
• Incubation Conditions: Maintain a temperature of 99.5°F and humidity at 60%. Avoid increasing humidity during incubation unless necessary. If your incubator fogs due to high humidity, create additional ventilation by drilling a small hole in the lid or slightly propping it open while maintaining stable temperatures.
• Hatch Rates: Hatch rates cannot be guaranteed due to variables outside our control, including shipping, incubation setup, and environmental factors. Refer to online resources or videos for additional hatching advice.
‼️⚠️DO NOT OPEN INCUBATOR WHILE CHICKS ARE HATCHING. They will shrink wrap and die! Do NOT add more water during the last week or last few days, this will drown them! Wait at least 24 hrs after the first one hatches before you start getting them out!
🐥Post-Hatch Care🐥
• Feed: Begin chicks on medicated chick feed.
• Environment: Provide a clean, well-ventilated space for chicks to minimize the risk of illness.
• Heating: Use a heat source that allows chicks to regulate their warmth by moving closer or farther away. A ceramic heat bulb is a safe option. Ensure the heat source is positioned securely and not in direct contact with chicks.
• Housing: Initially, you can use a plastic bin or wooden brooder box with holes for ventilation. Multiple bins can be connected to separate sleeping and feeding areas. Around 3 weeks of age, chicks will outgrow this setup and should be moved to a larger enclosure.
By following these guidelines, you can help ensure the best possible outcomes for your eggs and chicks.